Tuesday, December 29, 2009

happy holiday

Happy Holidays!

I really started getting in the holiday spirit the other
day when I watched an amazing program called CNN Heroes.

The CNN Heroes project honors individuals throughout the
globe whose charitable work has really helped others.

The show highlighted 10 finalists who have accomplished
everything from educating the poor to providing clean water
to individuals in need.

While all the individuals honored were amazing, there was
one statement by one of the finalists that stood out. This
statement was made by breast cancer survivor Andrea Ivory.

Ms. Ivory was fortunate enough to have had health
insurance, gotten a mammogram and caught her breast cancer

Since then, she has developed mobile mammography vans that
provide no-cost screenings in Miami, Florida. Every day she
is providing early breast cancer detection services that are
saving lives.

So, what did Ms. Ivory say that I found so enlightening?
She said, "Most people, when they find out they have breast
cancer, say 'why me'; I said 'what for'!"

There it is. Two simple words - "what for."

It is these two words that separate winners from losers.
Losers complain. They blame others for their problems and

Winners, on the other hand, are optimists. If something bad
happens, they ask "what for?" And then they figure it out.
They use adversity to create opportunity. They build better
mousetraps out of necessity. And they inspire others.

My New Year's resolution, which I have already started
doing, is to always ask "what for" whenever something
doesn't go quite right.

I hope that you can do the same.

Then we can all continue to make progress in our personal
and business lives, overcome obstacles, and create
opportunities that allow us and those around us to shine.

To Your Success!

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