Tuesday, December 29, 2009


95 percent of all the top performers I interview tell me that the number one contributor to their success is Attitude.

I know you’ve heard that before. But take a moment and actually think about it. Are you so certain of your ability to hide a sour mood or personal annoyance, that you’re willing to risk losing a sale if you’re wrong?

The fact of the matter is, unless your last name is Streep, Brando or De Niro, your thoughts will affect your behavior. In other words, we always move toward our most dominant thought. So make sure you play that positive tape in your mind, and don’t let yourself get caught up in any negativity around you.

If you do find yourself slipping into a negative frame of mind, try some of these tried-and-true ideas to help you snap out of it, and put your best foot forward:

- Listen to music (though your favorite Death Metal CD may not be appropriate at this time)

- Exercise

- Have a quick meeting or phone call with a positive person (moods are contagious)

- Read something inspiring, like Earl Nightingale’s The Strangest Secret, or even Scott Adam’s Dilbert cartoons to give yourself a good laugh

- Eat (my husband can tell you how quickly my mood can turn negative when I skip lunch)

- Call your favorite customer

- Sit quietly on your own, close your eyes and visualize yourself doing something successfully. Then repeat the scene over and over again in your mind.

In short, show your customer how you feel by being at the top of your mental game. Close business by projecting a sincerely happy persona, not hiding a negative attitude behind a facade. And above all else, either love what you do, or get out.

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